Romania: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: Ex-ante evaluation of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme.
Ex ante evaluation of the Romanian 2007-2013 RDP including instructions and training/coaching of local staff. Morten Kvistgaard was team leader for an Agrotec Italian team of national consultants. The training activities did include 1) a general one day presentation for ministerial staff responsible for the preparation of the 2007-2013 RDP on what to expect from an ex ante evaluation - concepts, content and results; and 2) coaching/instructions on bilateral basis over 10 months with individual staff responsible for the preparation of the RDP.
Romania: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: Update of Mid-Term Evaluation of the Special Pre-Accession Program for Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania for the Period 2000–2005, 2005-2006
Up-date of the Midterm evaluation of the SAPARD programme. Morten Kvistgaard was team leader for a team of national and international consultants from Agrotec Italia and Orbicon a/s. The evaluation mapped the state of art of programme implementation and administration, analyzed the achieved results and impacts and did provide recommendations for programme adjustments in order to enhance implementation.
Romania: Mid-term evaluation of SAPARD in Romania. 2004
Morten Kvistgaard was team leader for a team of Danish and Romanian consultants implementing the mid-term evaluation of the SAPARD program in Romania for the Ministry of European Integration, Romania. The overall objective of the mid-term evaluation was to improve the measures and if necessary provide recommendations for a reconsideration of objectives, allocation of funds and priorities. The evaluation was carried out from February to April 2004. The mid-term evaluation did include an assessment of the continued appropriateness of the strategy, use of input from the programme and results, effectiveness and efficiency of the SAPARD program