Nordic Countries
Nordic Council of Ministers: Evaluation of the Nordic Action Plan for cooperation in Fisheries, Agriculture, Food and Forestry 2005-2008 and Strategy for Genetic Resources 2005-2008 The evaluation focused on Nordic Utility (additionality), relevance (present and future), effectiveness, cost effectiveness and organisation/administration of the Nordic cooperation. Further more the evaluation did provide suggestions for a new Action Programme 2009-2012 in terms of format, content and organisation. The evaluation was based on telephone and personal interviews in the Nordic countries as well as on questionnaires to selected target groups.
Nordic Council of Ministers: Nordic industry political cooperation programme 2006-2010, 2005 Assistance to the Nordic Council of Ministers to the preparation of the Nordic industry political co-operation programme 2006-2010. The Nordic industrial sector and the Nordic cooperation are confronted big challenges from increased globalization. The new cooperation programme shall address these challenges through increased Nordic integration of business relations and removal of trade barriers. The programme must be complementary to other Nordic policy areas, including the programme for Nordic Innovation Cooperation 2006 – 2010 as well as EU and national policies.
Evaluation and analysis of the Nordic Atlantic Corporation. 2004 Morten Kvistgaard was team leader on an evaluation and analysis of the Nordic Atlantic Corporation (NORA) under Nordic Ministerial Council. The assignment did consist an evaluation of NORA’s activities during the period 2001 –2003, and of an analysis of NORA’s development potentials as an organisation for enhanced coordination and cooperation in the West Nordic region.
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2003 Assessment of the co-operation between the Nordic and Baltic States in the field of Sustainable Rural Development. The evaluation did focus on the work carried out in the context of a Consultation Committee (CC) established by the Nordic and Baltic Ministers in 2000 with a view to make operational the commitment to enhance Nordic-Baltic co-operation within sustainable rural development. The objective of the evaluation was to assess the results and working procedures of the CC based on the objectives and tasks outlined in the mandate. The evaluation is based on data collected through desk research of available material, interviews, questionnaire survey to CC members and observations at CC meetings.
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2001 - 2002 Evaluation of the Nordic Strategy for the Environment and Fisheries - MIFI The evaluation did include an assessment of the relevance of - and effects of - implemented projects as well as an analysis of administration and organization.
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2000 Evaluation of the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) – a risk capital institution established by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The purpose of the evaluation was to examine expected and achieved results with particular focus on environmental impacts and to assess the additionality of NEFCO activities in relation to other sponsors and investors. Furthermore, the evaluation included an examination of NEFCO’s institutional set-up and ability to respond to changes in the surrounding world. Finally, it assessed whether the capital of NEFCO had to be increased. The evaluation was based on visits to all Nordic countries as well as project visits to the recipient countries in Eastern Europe.
Nordic Council of Ministers and Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2000 Assistance in preparation of a Nordic-Baltic ministers meeting on agriculture and forestry. The overall theme was Sustainable Rural Development, which implies that areas such as agriculture, forestry, environment, food safety as well as socio-economic issues were included. Possible areas for future and enhanced co-operation between the Nordic and Baltic countries were identified and defined |