January 2012
EvaluatorsEU ApS wishes all friends and partners a Happy New Year 2012!
December 2011
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted by Cardno Emerging Markets (UK) as team leader for the ex ante evaluation of the IPARD programme for Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in Montenegro. The project is funded through a framework contact by the European Delegation in Montenegro. For further information, please contact Ms Danijela Stolica (DanijelaStolica@mpe.giv.me) MARD, Mr. Pierre-Yves Bellot, EU Delegation in Podgorica (Pierre- Yves.BELLOT@ec.europa.eu) or Mike Gutteridge (Mike.Gutteridge@cardno.uk.com) Cardno Emerging Markets, UK.
June 2011
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted by Research Centre for Forests and Landscape, LIFE Faculty, Copenhagen University, to prepare a stakeholder analysis of the satisfaction among stakeholders regarding the quality, relevance, utility and effects of the research and education related services from the research centre Forests and Landscape. For further information, please contact professor and managing director Mr. Niels Elers Koch, Forests and Landscape (nek@life.ku.dk).
March 2011
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Budapest as team leader for a team of international consultants supporting the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MoFTER) in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EC Delegation in Sarajevo regarding preparation of selected sector studies to be used in the IPARD programming process. The sector analyses include analyses of the Meat and Dairy sector, Fruits and Vegetables sector, Cereals sector, Wine sector and the Diversification sector. The assignment is implemented in cooperation with local consultants and the universities of Sarajevo, Banja Luka and the Federal Agro-Mediterranean Institute in Mostar. For further information, please contact project director Mr. Raimund Jehle, FAO Budapest (Raimund.Jehle@fao.org); assistant minister Mr. Dusan Neskovic, MoFTER (Dušan.Nešković@mvteo.gov.ba) or task manager Ms. Timea, Makra, EC Delegation in Sarajevo (Timea.Makra@EEAS-europa.eu).
March 2011
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted by NIRAS IC Sp. Z.o.o. (Poland) as team leader for a team of international and national consultants supporting the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management (MATFWM) in the Republic of Serbia and the World Bank regarding the implementation of a baseline survey for and an evaluation of the Serbian Transitional Agriculture and Reform project (STAR). The STAR project is funded by the World Bank (loan) and Global Environment Facility (GEF grant) and is implemented by STAR PIT (Project implementation team) Belgrade and STAR PIT Stara Planina. For further information, please contact project director Ms. Jelena Stamenovic, NIRAS Serbia (Jelena.Stamenovic@niras.se) or Mr. Sladjan Stankovic, STAR PIT
January 2011
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted by Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management (MATFWM), Republic of Serbia to implement the ex ante evaluation of the IPARD programme in Serbia. For further information, please contact head of Managing Authority Mr. Dragan Mirkovic, MATFWM, (Dragan.Mirkovic@minpolj.gov.rs).
Morten Kvistgaard and Evaluators.EU ApS has signed the following contracts during the first 6 months of 2010.
March 2010
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted of UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as an international expert in order to provide the EC Delegation in Montenegro as well the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM), Republic of Montenegro with technical assistance in the preparation of sector studies for the meat, dairy and fruit and vegetable sectors. The sector studies will be implemented of international consultants during the second half of 2010 and will be an important contribution to the preparation of the IPARD programme for the MAFWM. Morten Kvistgaard will coordinate the three sector studies and make quality assessments. For further information, please also contact Ms. Ljiljana Simovic, MAFWM: Ljiljana.Simovic@gov.me
March 2010
Morten Kvistgaard is team-leader on an assignment implemented together with Orbicon A/S and Epinion A/S regarding the midterm evaluation of the Danish Rural Development Programme. The midterm evaluation is mandatory for all member states and will provide the Danish Food Industry Agency and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries with an independent and external assessment of the contribution of the activities under the programme to national Danish and to EU rural development objectives. The assignment is implemented from March to December 2010. For further information, please contact also senior consultant Carsten Schwensen: CARS@orbicon.dk; partner Heidi Skov Andersen: HSA@epinon.dkor Jakob Møgelvang, Danish Food Industry Agency: JAKM@ferv.dk
April 2010
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted of the Danish Forest Association to facilitate a workshop on the future challenges for the Danish forestry sector. The workshop was implemented on 20th April 2010. For further information, please contact managing director Jan Søndergaard: js@skovforeningen.dk
May 2010
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted of the Nordic Environmental Finance Corporation (NEFCO), a member of the Nordic financial institutions located in Helsinki, Finland, to facilitate a workshop on profiling of NEFCO. The workshop was accomplished in Vilnius, Lithuania, in June 2010. For further information, please contact managing director for NEFCO Magnus Rystedt: magnus.rystedt@nefco.fi
June 2010
Morten Kvistgaard is team-leader on an assignment implemented together with Orbicon A/S regarding an evaluation of Nordic Information Centre (NICe). The assignment will provide the Nordic Council of Ministers with an independent and external assessment of the contribution of NICe to Nordic values and to Nordic utility. The assignment is implemented from 27th May to 29th August 2010. For further information, please contact also senior consultant Carsten Schwensen: CARS@orbicon.dk or Head of Department, Nordic Council of Ministers’s Secretariat Kristian Birk: kbi@norden.org.
July 2010
Morten Kvistgaard, together with independent consultant Jens Skrumsager Skau, is contracted to prepare a 4-year private sector support programme to the Republic of Kosovo for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme is intended to support private sector development in the agricultural and horticultural sector in four municipalities. A total of 75 million DKK (7.5 Million €) is expected to be allocated from the Danish government’s Neighborhood programme, co-financed with national, local and private sector resources. For further information please also contact Jørgen V. Andersen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark: jorvan@um.dk or Jens Skrumsager Skau: jensskau@hotmail.com
July 2010
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted to provide training to evaluators and administrators of the Rural Development Programme in Slovakia. Focus will be on issues related to evaluation practices of rural development programmes. The training will be implemented during two days in Bratislava in September 2010
Below you will find a number of new contracts signed of Evaluators.EU ApS during the latest 6 months.
November 2009
Morten Kvistgaard is team leader on an assignment to be implemented together with Capacent A/S for the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries regarding the new Danish initiative: “The FoodExperimentarium”, a part of the Government’s strategy “Green Growth”. The assignment will provide the Ministry and a stakeholder working group with a mapping of food sector related activities within Innovation, Education and Food for Many. The contract will be implemented from 15th November to 20th January. For further information contact also Heidi Skov Andersen, Capacent A/S: Heidi.Skov.Andersen@capacent.dk or Kim Rægaard, FødevareErhverv: kimr@ferv.dk
Evaluators.EU signs contract with Areté s.p.a (Bologna, Italy) regarding a study for DG Agri. The study will provide DG Agri with a full inventory of food and feed schemes and private labels being implemented in EU-27, as well as private labels of foreign origin marketed in EU-27. Evaluators.EU will be responsible for the coverage of EU-8, the new member states in Central- and East Europe as well as the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland and Sweden). The contract will be implemented during 2010. For further information contact also Ms. Enrica Gentile, Areté spa:
September 2009
Morten Kvistgaard is team leader on an assigment being implemented together with Capacent A/S for Nordic Innovation Centre (NICe), under the Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR). The assignment is an evaluation of the food sector related programmes implemented of NICe from 1990 until today. The evaluation is initiated of NICe and it’s board of directors, and the objective is to provide NICe with recommendations on the design of future programmes based on lessons learned from the past 8 programmes, more than 100 projects, involving more than 1000 participants. The evaluation will be implemented from September 2009 until March 2010. For further information, contact heidi.skov.andersen@capacent.dk or Hilde Helgesen: H.Helgesen@nordicinnovation.net
September 2009
Morten Kvistgaard is teamleader on an assignment implemented together with Orbicon A/S regarding an evaluation of the Nordic Project Export Fond (NOPEF). The assignment will provide the Nordic Council of Ministers with an independent and external assessment of the contribution of Nopef to nordic values and to nordic utility. The assignment is implemented from 1st September to 13th November 2009. For further information, please contact also senior consultant Carsten Schwensen: CSC@orbicon.dk or Head of Department, Nordic Council of Ministers’s Secretariat Kristian Birk: kbi@norden.org.
August 2009
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted of UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as an international expert in order to provide the EC Delegation in Belgrade, Serbia as well the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM), Republic of Serbia with technical assistance in the preparation of sector studies for the meat, dairy and fruit and vegetable sectors. The sector studies will be implemented of international consultants during the first 6 months of 2010 and will be an important contribution to the preparation of the IPARD programme for the MAFWM. Morten Kvistgaard will coordinate the three sector studies and make quality assessments. For further informatioin, please also contact Mr. Bojan Zivadinovic, MAFWM:
June 2009
Morten Kvistgaard, together with independant consultant Jens Skrumsager Skau, has prepared a private sector support programme to the Republic of Serbia for the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme is intended to support private sector development in the fruits and berries sector in four districts in the South of Serbia, focusing on the value chains of sour cherries, rasp berries, strawberries and blue berries as well as plums. A total of 40 million DKK (5.4 Million €) is expected to be allocated from the Danish government’s Neighborhood programme, co-financed with national, local and private sector resourcers adding up to a total financial envelope of expected 17 million € from 2010 to 2014. For further information please also contact Jørgen V. Andersen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark: jorvan@um.dk or Jens Skrumsager Skau: jensskau@hotmail.com
May 2009
Morten Kvistgaard is team leader on the ongoing evaluation of the Bulgarian National Rural Development Programme 2007-2013. Morten Kvistgaard is teamleader for the Agrotec spa (Rome, Italy) team of consultants, and he is responsible for the ongoing evaluation report 2008, as well as the 20009 annual report. Finally the team will prepare the Midterm Evaluation of the 2007 – 2013 NRDP by the end of 2010. Finally, the team of experts provides the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (MAF) with ongoing assistance regarding thematic studies and surveys. For further information, please also contact managing director Marco Girelli, Agrotec spa: girelli@agrotec-spa.net or director of the Rural Development Department Ms. T. Palazova:
Morten Kvistgaard did participate in the 30th Senior Officials Group (SOG) meeting of the Baltic 21 cooperation on sustainable development. The meeting took place in the Ministry of Environment in Tallinn, Estonia, on 23rd of April 2009. At the meeting, Morten Kvistgaard did present his evaluation of the Baltic 21 action programme on sustainable development for the period 1998 to 2008. The evaluation was accomplished from January to March 2009. The evaluation recommends at the short term a merger of the cooperation into the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) and a the longer term a merger into the HELCOM cooperation. The Senior Officials Group did decide to work for a merger of Baltic 21 into the CBSS cooperation. The executive summary of the report is available here as a pdf file.
Morten Kvistgaard did on the 20th of March 2009 participate in the Monitoring Committee meeting of the Danish Rural Development Programme 2007 - 2013 in the Copenhagen domicile of the Danish Food Industry Agency. At the meeting Morten Kvistgaard did present the results of the ex post evaluation of the Rural Development Programme 2000 - 2006. The evaluation was accomplished in the period from August to December 2008 of a consortium of Orbicon A/S and Capacent A/S with Morten Kvistgaard, Evaluators.EU, as team leader. The English executive summary of the evaluation is available here as a pdf file.
Evaluators.EU makes an agreement with the secretariat of the Nordic Council of Ministers regarding an evaluation of the Nordic programme "New Nordic Cuisine" (Ny Nordisk Mad). The programme was initiated in 2007 with the overall objective of facilitating a new common Nordic platform for the development of the Nordic Cuisine based on nordic raw materials and the common Nordic principles in production and processing: food safety, purity, freshness, simplicity and ethics. The evaluation will provide input to the Councils of Mministers meeting in Island in July 2009 and contribute to the discussions of a possible prolongation of the programme. For further information contact Morten Kvistgaard (mkv@evaluators.eu), Magnus Gröntoft (mg@norden.org) or Mads Wolff (mrw@norden.org). Visit also the website of New Nordic Cuisine: www.nynordiskmad.org/en
Evaluators.eu signs contract with the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) regarding an external assessment of the Baltic 21 Action Programme Baltic 21 was initiated in 1996 and endorsed of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs on behalf of the Baltic Sea states in 1998. The overall objectives of Baltic 21 are to contribute and advance the sustainable development of the Baltic Sea region. More specifically the overall objectives should be fulfilled through coordination of (national and regional) goals and activities throughout the region, and through the set-up of a forum for cooperation across borders as well as across various stakeholder groups.
The objectives of the external evaluation are to
Provide input to the dialogue about the strategic direction of the future work of Baltic 21, including future priorities of actions;
Provide recommendations to an improved institutional set-up of Baltic 21, including recommendations to the content and organization of the relationship to CBSS and other inter-governmental bodies in the region.
More specifically the external evaluation will include the following 5 topics:
An assessment of the activities, the motivations and expectations of members attending Baltic 21 activities
An assessment of the overall successes and shortcomings of Baltic 21 in relation to the Action Programme and the Strategy Guidelines
An assessment of the relevance and role of the Baltic 21 for sustainable development, in particularly the relationship to CBSS.
An assessment of the key strategic areas of Baltic 21 and working models for future cooperation
An assessment of the relevance and performance of the organizational set-up
For further information contact Morten Kvistgaard (mkv@evaluators.eu), head of the Baltic 21 secretariat Ms. Mia Crawford (mia.crawford@cbss.org) or the chair of the Senior Officials Group Mr. Carl Bjørn Rasmussen (cbr@mst.dk)
Evaluators.EU signs a contract with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding a scoping mission to the Republic of Moldova. The overall objective of the assignment is to assess the possible content of a Danish support programme to Moldova focusing on the development to Small and Medium sized Enterprises. The scoping mission will map other interventions in the country from multinational and national donors and organisations, in particularly EU, WB and USAID in order to find room for a specialized Danish support scheme. For further information, please contact Morten Kvistgaard (mkv@evaluators.eu) or head of section Niels Hedegaard Jørgensen, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (niejor@um.dk).
Evaluators.eu wishes all friends, colleagues and partners a Happy New Year 2009 looking forward to new and interesting assignments
Evaluators.EU participates together with a consortium led by ADE (Belgium) and with Agrotec (Italy) and ADAS (UK) in the evaluation of the implementation of the Farm Advisory System for the European Commission (DG Agri). The purpose of the contract is to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of the Farm Advisory system with respect to achieving the objectives laid down in EC Regulation 1782/2003. The evaluation covers all 27 member states, and Evaluators.EU is responsible for Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Slovakia. For further information, please contact Morten Kvistgaard (mkv@evaluators.eu) or project leader Monica Beck (Monica.Beck@ade.eu).
Evaluators.EU participates together with our partners Orbicon (contact Claus Goldberg on CG@orbicon.dk) and Capacent Epinion (contact Heidi.Skov.Andersen@capacent.dk) in the ex post evaluation of the Danish Rural Development Programme 2000 – 2006 for the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. Morten Kvistgaard will be team leader on the evaluation running from August until November 2008.
Morten Kvistgaard did participate as a key speaker in a seminar arranged of DG Enlargement and DG Agri on 7th and 8th July in Brussels. The theme of the seminar was “Monitoring and Evaluation of IPARD programmes”, and the participants were representatives from agricultural ministries in Croatia, Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. The presentation of Morten Kvistgaard was entitled “Evaluation questions, criteria and indicators – How to do it” and did include examples from measures under each of the three IPARD programmes: Improvement of Agricultural Holdings (Turkey), Processing and Marketing (Republic of Macedonia) and Diversification of economic activities (Croatia).
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted as evaluation expert to assist the European Policy Evaluation Consortium (EPEC) in the evaluation of the communication activities included in the LIFE programme for the period from 2000 to 2007. Morten Kvistgaard will participate in evaluation design and approaches as well as in analyses of collected data. The evaluation will be implemented from February to July 2008.
Evaluators.EU is contracted of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI), Republic of Moldova. The main objective of the assignment is to assist MAFI develop a Rural and Agricultural Service (RAS) vision and strategy for the Government, based on international best practices in this field and taking into account the specifics of Moldova. On this basis, specific proposals will be made for the design of a medium to long term strategy and policy of extension services in Moldova and the corresponding legal framework for this activity.
The specific objectives are twofold:
· Definition of a strategy, policy and legal framework for the development of publicly funded RAS in Moldova,
· Assistance to MAFI RAS Unit and strengthening of its capacity for RAS external Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
The assignment is launched with a kick-off mission from 31st March to 4th April 2008 and will last until June 2010.
Evaluators.EU signs contract with the French Italian consortium Agrosynergie. The consortium has been selected of the European Commission DG Agri to accomplish the evaluation of measures regarding producer organisations (POs) in the fruit and vegetables sector. The aim of the evaluation is to prepare an overview of the effects in the 27 members States of the F&V CMO (in particularly the part concerning Producer Organisations). It is an ex-post evaluation of the CMO. The CMO was established in 1962 and reformed in 1996 since when it was ruled by regulation (EC) n°2200/1996 up to the last reform. The main characteristic of the CMO is to have POs at the centre of the scheme ensuring its decentralized management. In 2000 and 2007 the CMO was reformed twice. In 2007, the F&V sector was introduced in the single payment scheme.
In this evaluation, the measures analyzed are the one presented in the articles 11 to 16 and 18 of the (CE) n°2200/1996 (and their application regulations): recognition and preliminary recognition, operational funds and other support to POs, operational programs and extension of the rules. The evaluation aims at evaluating the efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of each measure. Evaluators.EU will prepare country studies for Denmark and Sweden.
Morten Kvistgaard will present the results from a user satisfaction survey among students and young candidates from the Centre for Forest and Landscape Research at the Life Faculty, University of Copenhagen. The presentation will take place at the meeting of the board of directors of the Centre.
Morten Kvistgaard will participate in a meeting of the Council of Ministers Executive Committee on Fisheries, Agriculture, Food and Forestry Cooperation in Stockholm, Sweden hosted of the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture. Morten Kvistgaard will present the findings and recommendations from his evaluation of the Nordic Fisheries, Agriculture, Food and Forestry Cooperation 2005-2008 and Strategy of Genetic Resources 2005-2008. The meeting will discuss the implications of the evaluation for the preparation of the new action programme for the sectors for the period 2009-2012.
Morten Kvistgaard signs contract with Vakakis International S.A (Greece, www.vakakis.gr) regarding the ex ante evaluation of the National Rural Development Plan (NRDP) for the Republic of Serbia (RoS).
Vakakis International has over the last two years implemented a European Agency for Reconstruction (EAR) funded project supporting the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MAFWM) with the preparation of the NRDP and the organisation of a Paying Agency after EU standards.
The ex ante evaluation will be accomplished in Belgrade from 18th of February to 5th of March 2008.
The assignment is implemented in cooperation with Manager Heidi Skov Andersen, Capacent Epinion, and represents the first common project between Capacent Epinion and Evaluators.EU in accordance with the newly signed agreement of cooperation between the two firms, see the News 21.01.2008.
Evaluators.EU signs a Letter of Intent with Capacent Epinion concerning cooperation. See www.Capacent.dk and www.Epinion.dk. The Letter of Intent makes it possible for Evaluators.EU to take advantage of the survey and data collection facilities of Capacent Epinion and of complementary competences in tenders and in acquisitions within sectors of mutual interest.
For further information contact manager Heidi Skov Andersen on heid.skov.andersen@capacent.dk.
The LoI supplements a similar LoI between Orbicon A/S (www.Orbicon.dk) and Evaluators.EU primarily within Nature and Environment. For further information contact Head of Department Per Møller Jensen on pmj@orbicon.dk.
From 28th of November to 4th of December Morten Kvistgaard will be on a mission to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Norway and Ministry of Agriculture in Sweden as part of the evaluation of the Action Programme for Nordic Cooperation within the Fisheries, Agriculture, Food and Forestry sectors.
Morten Kvistgaard is contracted to assist the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in Romania with the finalization of the National Rural Development Plan (NRDP) 2007-2013. His assistance will focus on lessons learned from the implementation of the SAPARD programme as well as from other EU programmes implemented in Romania in the period of accession. The assistance will take place from 12th to 16th November 2007 inBucharest. See References, Romania for related previous assignments in Romania.
Together with the Cogea (IT) and Oreade Breche (FR), Evaluators.EU participates in an evaluation of the activation of direct payments on fruit and vegetables land in the regional model. Evaluators.EU is responsible for a case study in Denmark based on desk research and interviews with central stakeholders (ministry departments, industry and farmers organisations as well as advisory and research services). It is the ambitions of the DG Agri that the evaluation shall aim at explaining to the public the principles of the 2003 reform of the Common Agricultural Policy. The evaluation will be implemented in the period from November 2007 to March 2008.
Evaluators.EU signs contract with the Nordic Councils of Ministers. The contract contains an evaluation of the 2005-2008 Action Plan for Development of Fisheries, Agriculture, Food and Forestry in the Nordic countries as well as an evaluation of the Nordic Strategy for Genetic Resources. The assignment will be implemented from October 17th to December 21st 2007.
Morten Kvistgaard presents an evaluation of the European Commission financed information and promotion programmes for the development of consumption of fruit and vegetables. The evaluation is accomplished in cooperation with ADE (Belgium), Agrotec (Italy), ÔIR (Austria), Qwentes (Belgium) and Orbicon (Denmark). Heidi Skov Andersen (HSA@Orbicon.dk) will participate in the presentation, which will take place in Dublin, Ireland on Monday 22nd October.