European Commission and Agrosynergie: Evaluation of the Producer Organisations within the fruit and vegetables sector 1996-2007. Case studies Denmark and Sweden, 2008
The aim of the evaluation is to prepare an overview of the effects in the 27 members States of the F&V CMO (in particularly the part concerning Producer Organisations). It is an ex-post evaluation of the CMO. In this evaluation, the measures analyzed are the one presented in the articles 11 to 16 and 18 of the (CE) n°2200/1996 (and their application regulations): recognition and preliminary recognition, operational funds and other support to POs, operational programs and extension of the rules. The evaluation aims at evaluating the efficiency, effectiveness and relevance of each measure. Morten Kvistgaard will prepare country studies for Denmark and Sweden.
European Commission/DG Environment/European Policy Evaluation Consortium (EPEC): Evaluation of the communication activities in the LIFE 2000-2007 programme, 2008 Morten Kvistgaard is contracted as evaluation expert to assist the European Policy. Evaluation Consortium (EPEC) in the evaluation of the communication activities included in the LIFE programme for the period from 2000 to 2007. Morten Kvistgaard will participate in evaluation design and approaches as well as in analyses of collected data.The evaluation will be implemented from February to July 2008.
European Commission and Agrosynergie: Evaluation of the activation of direct payments on fruit and vegetables land in the regional model, Case study Denmark, 2007-2008 Preparation of a case study on Denmark concerning the impact of the activation of the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) on fruit, vegetables and table potatoes in terms of changed behaviour and land use of farmers. The case study was based on personal interviews among stakeholders and statistical data on land use in Denmark.
European Commission: Framework contract on evaluations of information and promotion campaigns under the Common Agriculture Policy 2006 - 2008 Morten Kvistgaard participates in a number of evaluations under the framework contract implemented of a consortium headed of ADE, Belgium, and with participation of Orbicon a/s. Information and promotion campaigns within the following sectors have so far been evaluated: Organic agriculture, the Wine sector, the Fruit and Vegetables sector. Morten Kvistgaard has been responsible for cross cutting evaluations questions and quality assurance of approaches, methods and reports.
Evaluation of EU Food Safety Education Campaign, 2004 Morten Kvistgaard was team leader on an evaluation of the EU information campaign on Food safety implemented in all 15 EU member states. The evaluation was carried out in cooperation with TNS/Gallup Denmark and did include a horizontal analysis of all countries and an in-depth analysis of 5 selected EU-countries. The in-depth analysis contained surveys, focus group analysis etc. The objective of the evaluation was to assess the impact and effects of the campaign and to contribute with recommendations to the future information activities of the European Commission.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DANCEE), 2002-2003 Identification and selection of a number of projects in the CEEC to become Joint Implementation Projects according to the guidelines of the Kyoto Protocol. The outputs did include Technical Specifications, EIA, Feasibility Studies and Assessment of Financial, Organizational and Institutional Issues of relevance for the projects.
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute of Perspective Technology Studies, Seville, 2002 Techno-economic feasibility study of the potentials of bio-fuels in EU candidate countries covering Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia.
European Parliament/Netherlands Economic Institute, 2001 Subcontractor for the Dutch consultancy Netherlands Economic Institute (NEI) on an assignment for the European Parliament. The project comprised a mid-term review of EU Rural Development Policies in the European Union and the Applicant Countries, and Morten Kvistgaard contributed with an analysis of the situation in Denmark. This included an analysis of the Rural Development Programme, Objective 2 and 3 Programmes as well as LEADER+.
European Commission, 2001 Evaluation of the Community set-aside measures headed of Oréade-Brèche Environnement et Developpement. The evaluation examined both the effectiveness of the different measures on set-aside and the impact on agronomic practices and environment at national as well as regional level in Denmark. The evaluation was conducted in 7 EU member states: Germany, France, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Netherlands and the United Kingdom, and was reported simultaneously. The evaluation did consist of a series of interviews with the competent national authorities, agricultural organizations, producer associations and NGOs. Furthermore, interviews with farmers were carried out with a view to examining the impact of the set-aside measures on agronomic practices.
European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS), 2000-2001 In collaboration with The Danish Technical University, Morten Kvistgaard did take part in an international consortium assessing the future use of process-integrated biocatalysts. The focus of the study was to exam to what extent biocatalytic processes will be used in European industries in the future, and what environmental and economic impacts can be expected. The assessment did feed into a larger EU project on Modern Biotechnology and the Greening of Industry.
European Commission, DG III, 1998 Study on the comprehensibility of labels based on Directive 88/379/EEC on dangerous preparations. The study examined the background and need for labelling information of 6 target groups in four selected EU countries. The study was supplemented by strategic recommendations for improving hazard communication. |