Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2001-2003
Estonia: Technical assistance to a) SAPARD Monitoring and Evaluation and b) Preparation of EU Membership Rural Development Programme through best practices. The first component did relate to monitoring and evaluation and aimed improving the existing system, whereas the second component consisted of assistance to the drafting of a new rural development programme from the date of Estonia’s membership of the EU.
Ministry of Agriculture, Estonia, 2000
Follow-up assignment concerning the finalisation of the National Rural Development Plan which constituted the programming document for EU support to Estonia in the development of agriculture and rural areas in the period 2000-2006 (the SAPARD Programme). The assignment included an assessment of the adequacy of the revisions made in the plan following the Commission response to the original plan, as well as the drafting of the executive summary of the plan.
Estonia Ministry of Agriculture, 1999
Ex ante evaluation of the Estonian Agriculture and Rural Development Plan prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, the Republic of Estonia, for the period 2000-2006. The plan was subject to an ex ante evaluation (prior appraisal) to be conducted as part of the completion of the plan and to be presented to the Commission together with the plan.