Institute of Environment and Resources, Danish Technical University: Strategy preparation and SWOT analysis, 2006-2007
Assistance to the Institute of Environment and Resources in the preparation of a strategy at institute level including formulation of mission, vision, SWOT analysis and action plan. Assistance was also provided to the preparation of strategies for the research groups including formulation of vision, SWOT analysis and action plan. The assistance did include presentations and plenum discussion as well as group work and coaching.
Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of Copenhagen: Stakeholder analysis, 2006-2007
Stakeholder analysis focusing on the assessments of the stakeholders on the centre performances in research, education and training, support to public authorities, dissemination and information and development assistance. The analysis was carried out as personal and telephone interviews with stakeholder representatives. Morten Kvistgaard was team leader for a team of Orbicon a/s consultants.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries: Programming of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme, 2005 -2006
Morten Kvistgaard did provide advice and process consultancy to the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in the preparation of the 2007-2013 RDP
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries: Ex ante evaluation of the 2007-2013 Rural Development Programme, 2006
Morten Kvistgaard was team leader for a team of Orbicon a/s consultants preparing the ex ante evaluation of the Danish Rural Development Programme for the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.
Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS), 2004
Morten Kvistgaard was team leader for a team of Danish consultants developing a thorough analysis of the cluster potentials of innovative research units in DIAS. The analysis focused on identifying and analysing the cluster potentials of existing and growing research areas. The analysis was carried out in close cooperation with DIAS. The analysis consisted of 1) a screening of all research groups (more than 50) in DIAS 2) from these the ten most prominent potential clusters were further analysed.
The Royal Canadian Embassy, Denmark, 2003
The ‘Fishery Sector Report – Denmark’ is an analysis of the Danish fishery industry seen from the perspective of Canadian fish exporters. The report includes analysis of the Danish primary and secondary fishery sectors; the Danish market for fish products; the Danish imports and exports of fish and fish products; and a survey of the Danish importers and traders of Canadian fish.
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Denmark – Danish Research Institute of Food Economics, 2003
Examination of the capabilities of the Research Institute of Food Economics providing the MAFF and other public authorities with relevant and fast advice and research results. The purpose of the examination was to investigate the quality and the scope of the advice and services of the institute. Furthermore, the expectations and needs of the user authorities and the level of user satisfaction with the readiness and services from the institute were evaluated. Proposals for improved services were put forward with regard to content, timing and form.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA), 2003
Evaluation of the Danish environmental support to the Arctic territories, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands (DANCEA). The evaluation focused on the achieved environmental and social effects of the programme and the individual projects implemented from 1994 to 2003 as well as on the administration of the programme. The evaluation did feed into the preparation of continued support.
The Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agri Business under the Danish Ministry of Food Agriculture and Fisheries, 2003
Midterm evaluation of the Danish Rural Development Programme, the evaluation did consist of 10 sub-evaluations (one for each measure) and an overall cross cutting evaluation. The evaluation was carried out from January 2003 until December 2003 in cooperation with the Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS).
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DANCEE), 2002
Morten Kvistgaard did participate in various tasks in relation to DANCEE projects within the Russian waste and water sectors. This involved appraisal and tendering of five DANCEE waste and water projects in Russia, mid-term evaluation of a DANCEE project in Novgorod and evaluation of a group of DANCEE waste projects, implemented in Moscow from 1992 and onwards.
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries – Danish Institute of Agricultural Science, 2002-2003
Assessment of the social economic benefit of DIAS research exemplified with The Department of Horticulture and The Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics. The assessment includes Cost-Benefit Analysis of specific research projects selected within each of the two departments.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agro Business, 2002
Analytical and secretariat assistance to the Danish Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agro Business analysing the future growth potential of the Danish Food sector through innovation.
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries – Danish Institute of Agricultural Science, 2001 - 2002
Assistance to the management of DIAS concerning formulation of strategy, action plan and performance contract. The assistance included process facilitation, editing of draft documents and a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Plant Directorate, 2001
An assessment of the organization and function of the Danish District Control system within the agricultural and horticultural sector.
Danish Energy Agency, 2001
Evaluation of the Energy Sector Programmes for 1995-1997 administered by the Danish Energy Agency. The objective of the evaluation was to examine the activities and effects of the programmes with a view documenting the use of the grants and formulating recommendations regarding the future programme implementation. The evaluation was conducted by means of a wide-ranging study analyzing the programmes as a whole, and an in-depth study focusing on selected countries. Furthermore, an analysis of the administrative practices was carried out.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DANCEE), 2001
The project “Geothermal Energy Systems Assessment (GESA)” aimed at evaluating six DANCEE projects regarding geothermal energy and, furthermore, assessing other geothermal energy projects in Central and Eastern Europe. The objective was to map the technical, economic, environmental, political/institutional and socioeconomic potentials of geothermal energy systems. The project was concluded in an international seminar and a report about the strategic potential of geothermal energy in the Central and Eastern European countries.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency and Danish Agency for Trade and Industry, 2001
Ex post evaluation of the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme for the industrial sector. The objective of the evaluation was to document the overall effects of the scheme. Through a series of analyses, the evaluation examined the knowledge of eco-management and audit in Danish enterprises and industries, and assessed the quality and effects of the activities included in the scheme. The administration of the scheme was also evaluated. Finally, the evaluation did result in recommendations for future activities.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA): Development of evaluation concept and evaluation of information campaigns, 2000 – 20005
Development of an evaluation concept for information campaigns ensuring comparability of evaluations, lessons learned and electronic storage of evaluation results. Evaluation of several information campaigns assessing outputs, results and impacts in terms of changes in information, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour using evaluation criteria such as cost effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability.
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries – Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agro Business, Denmark, 2000-2001
Secretarial assistance concerning a reorganization of the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries with regard to food research. The assignment included a survey of veterinary and food research within and outside the ministry, preparation of a long-term strategy for the development of the ministry’s research and laboratory activities in the field, contributions to the drafting of a new organizational framework, contributions to development of a committee structure and contributions to arranging an organizational structure ensuring both internal and external coordination and co-operation.
Danish Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agro Business, 2000
Analytical assistance to working groups in developing a revised administration model for the Danish Agro Environment programme as implemented according to the Council Regulation No 92/2078. The work did result in a new administration model based on the recommendations in a previous evaluation.
DANCEE, 1999-2000
Follow-up assignment to the 1997-1998 evaluation of the Danish Environmental Support Fund for Eastern Europe. The assignment was carried out in collaboration with PLS Consult (Now Ramboll Management). The assignment had two components: a cost-effectiveness component (I) and an environmental indicator component (II). Component I aimed at developing a tool improving the project selection procedure on the basis of a cost-effective realisation of environmental goals. Component II did relate to the development of environmental indicators to be applied to assess the effects of projects at all stages of the project cycle.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Directorate for Development, 1999
Morten Kvistgaard was participant in a consultancy team carrying out an ex ante evaluation of the Danish Rural Development Plan 2000-2006 drafted by the Danish Directorate for Development, the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries. The plan was drawn up in accordance with Council Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999, and it described the disparities and needs in rural areas, as well as the strategy and necessary measures to be implemented to assist rural development in Denmark. The plan constituted the basis from which EU co-financing to rural development would be laid down.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Directorate for Development, 1999
Morten Kvistgaard, did participate in a consultancy team carrying out an ex ante evaluation of the Danish fisheries sector plan 2000-2006 related to the EU Structural Funds.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Directorate for Development, 1998-1999
Team leader on the assistance to the Danish Directorate for Development on the drafting of the Danish fisheries sector programme 2000-2006 related to the EU Structural Funds. The work included the drafting of background analyses, co-ordination of working groups, advising the Directorate and the Ministry as well as the editing of the final programme document.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Danish Directorate for Development, 1999
Evaluation of the EU PESCA project ”New generations in the fisheries sector”, phases 1 and 2. The project aimed at contributing to increasing the level of knowledge of fisheries in Denmark among children and youngsters, and to change the attitude towards the fisheries sector. In the long-term perspective, the project aimed at securing the future recruitment to the fisheries sector.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, The Danish Fisheries Association, 1998-1999
Team leader on an evaluation of the marketing campaign 1996-1999 of the Danish Fisheries Association. The project encompasses an evaluation of the strategic basis of the campaign, its implementation and its effects on the consumption of fish in Denmark. Finally, the evaluation contained an assessment of the administration of the campaign.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (Danced), 1998
Participation in the evaluation of Danced (Danish Cooperation for Environment and Development) country programmes in Thailand and Malaysia from 1994-1998. Through several field visits to the beneficiary countries, the evaluation team did document the functioning of the country programming process as well as the environmental effects of the programmes.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DANCEE), 1997-98
Team leader on the evaluation of the Danish Environmental Support programme Fund targeted at countries in the Baltic area and Central and Eastern Europe, 1991-1996. The evaluation considered the effects of 500 individual projects, the overall programme and the administrative effort. Evaluation visits were conducted in 8 CEEC.
Danish Environmental Protection Agency, 1998
Team leader on the evaluation of a programme for implementing actions plans related to traffic and the environment. The evaluation focused on environmental effects, capacity building, administration, cooperation, stakeholders and realization of objectives.
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, 1997
Team leader on the evaluation of the Ministry’s Sector Programme in Central and Eastern Europe. The aim was to assess the impact of the programmes at project, programme and country level as well as to evaluate the administration of the programmes.
Ministry of Housing, 1997
Participation in the analysis of the content and the economy in the phasing out of a re-housing project in Sct. Petersburg for Russian military officers from the Baltic states.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Directorate for Development, 1997
Team leader on the first mid-term evaluation of EU Structural Fund Programmes for the Danish fisheries sector, FIUF and PESCA. The evaluation assessed the results and the administration of the programmes for the years 1994-1996 and defined recommendations on the programme content and administration for the remaining period considering overall programme objectives.
Danish Research Council, 1997
Team leader on the mid-term evaluation of the Danish Research and Development Programme for Food Technology 1997. The evaluation was part of an overall assessment of the programme. The objective of the mid-term evaluation was to assess the significance of the cooperation between private enterprises and public and/or private research institutions, to assess the cooperation in itself, to assess the cooperative effects on the competencies of the enterprises, (characteristics of) products and commercialisation of products.
Council of Technology, The Danish Parliament, 1997
Team leader on a socio-economic analysis of the consequences of a complete change in the Danish agricultural production towards a 100 pct organic production. The analysis sketched in scenarios the development of agricultural production and compared the development with an ’ideal’ model of ecological production. Political, economic and other relevant considerations were explicitly taken into account.
Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Directorate for Development, 1997
Team leader on a farmer survey of the Improvement Programme for the modernisation and development of Danish agriculture. The survey was based on a combination of questionnaires and telephone interviews. |